New here. Just spent 11 days in the hospital after getting a severe headache that felt like my head would burst open any moment along with vomitting and severe light sensitivity. No relief from exedrine or any other meds I had at home that usually work. I was shaking and had no idea what was going on around me. I was taken immedietly to the closest ER and when they asked do you get headaches I said yes, everybody does. So from that point they made an assumption it was just a bad migraine, but I am 26 and truly haven't had a headache like this ever. The docs barely examined me and didn't even check neurologic function. They did a quick CT which was fine. They pushed dilaudid and toradol which had minimal relief. They wanted to send me home when I couldn't even stand. I am a nurse and demanded a Spinal Tap. Thank god I did!! (To everyone out there, you have a right to fight for your care. Docs sometimes get so focused on one lil thing so they try to fix it and get you home so they can work on the other patient next door. Always fight and ask questions!) Anyway, my LP pressure was so high it shot out of the tube and wouldn't measure. I felt some instant relief at this point and they admitted me. By the time I got to my room, my back had leaked a lot more CSF and blood onto my gown and sheets (the pressure was that high, that fluid was finding any way out). They also told me I had increased WBCs but it was nothing significant, but as a nurse I know better. They refused to listen to me, told me the pseudotumor cerebri was from being overweight, and once I lost weight I'd be fine. I called my doc for a transfer and finally I got someplace that cared (have a good relationship with your primary doc in case you are in a situation where you know something isn't right and the ER or admitting physicians aren't properly taking care of you. I also suggest finding a primary doc who has admitting privelages to a more specialized hospital in your area. When I called my doctor and told her everything she got me out of there in 2 hours time)
I had a viral meningitis (hence the increased WBCs) with many antibodies and had a fever. The neurologist also thinks I have undiagnosed underlying pseudotumor cerebri. My second tap at this hospital with a neurologist doing it properly showed I still had increased pressure of 40. They followed up with an MRI and cerebral angiogram of which the angiogram was normal and my MRI had some spots that looked like Lupus. My blood work was negative for lupus now, but chances are it is highly probable that I will have this as well. I also have within the last 6 months been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started on synthroid and severe rheumatoid arthiritis in which I was on a lot of immunosuppressing drugs due to disease I have I cant, this could maybe stop in 6 months or a year or never, and I can lose my eyesight. I am on diamox which seems to help somewhat but makes the ringing in the ears worse and sometimes I can't hear at all and Fioricet for the headaches (wonderful drug)
I had been getting moderate headaches for a little over a year. They were much worse when bending over or coughing but exedrine did the trick. Never had vomitting or light sensitivity with them. I've had lots of episodes of being dizzy and one time of passing out in the year. Had multiple episodes of my visual field getting very dark. I had a horrible ringing and heartbeat swoosh in my ears with occasional temporary hearing loss. I had just seen my PMD because my eyes and my ears were hurting me so bad (and now I get why). I have severe papilledema of my eyes of which are already messed up from the RA I have. It's frustrating to me because my specialists can't really change my meds or my weight to make this go away nor can I due to these other diseases. But I am getting better, I just felt like sharing my story because I've been there and I understand.
For the original poster of this thread, everything you described sounds like pseudotumor cerebri caused by the steroids (which is what they think triggered mine). Of course you and I know they can't be stopped while trying to keep other diseases in control. I truly hope they have figured out a plan for your son so that he never has to suffer the kind of pain I am all to familiar with now. Good luck to you.