I just wanted to write a brief story of my migraine experience. Also wanted to see if anybody else had similar problems.
--23 years old (female)--
All the sudden one day at the age of 14 I woke with a really bad headache...which....never went away.
Everyday, all day I would have a headache. I would wake up with one, and go to sleep with one...and occasionally have such bad headaches that wouldn't allow me to sleep OR would wake me out of sleep.
*At this point i was still just having bad headaches (no actual migraines)*
My sleep was affected, I missed a lot of school..almost to the point where I didn't graduate because of attendance, and my principal told my mom I was a "part time" student. I didn't have any answer's at this point. I tried everything under the sun just like all you other poor sufferers do. (Thomas Jefferson Headache Clinic, PCP for medicine, anti deppresants, anti seazure meds, pain meds, triptans, beta blocers,accupuncture, massage therapy, diet change, physical therapy, Inpatient at multiple hospitals for IV DHE, All types of scans, blood work ...etc. etc. etc..........
^Those headaches went on for about 6 years.
about 3 years ago I noticed my once headaches were now turning into migraines.
I'd wake with a somewhat bearable headache, and then as the day would go on it would blow into a nasty migraine. Problem is I don't get aura's, sensations, or any type of sign a migraine is about to hit. Therefore "rescue" medicines have been of no help to me. Once I get these migraines, I absoultely cannot do anything about them.
I've currently had this particular migraine for a month, & have dealt with chronic daily headaches/migraines since I was 14. Not one day has gone by I haven't had pain in my head for the past 9 years. No lie.
Now on top of my chronic migraines, I also have depression, axiety, OCD and horrible G.I. issues like no other....
Like I said, this is a very very brief story. But has anybody else woken with a headache that never went away - for them to later change into daily chronic migraines???
I wish you all health & happiness.