Thank you all so much for your replys
I really do appreciate it.
Its brings me confort and reasurance to know that i am not the only one going through this.
Just a quick update to let you know what has happened since i wrote this post.
I was called into my college for a meeting to discuss my future at the school..due to having such a low attendance. They have taken a copy of my medical notes and letters to cover my back as well as their own.
Annoyingly, despite having all these notes and them knowing how much pain i can be in....i have been told that if i dont show a hundred percent attendance from now on..i am out. This itself has rather upset me...i understand to an extent to why they have said this..yet it almost feels like i am being punished for being ill :-/.
I am also trying another herbal product called "New Era"...i used to use this for my period pains and they seemed to i thought i might give the migraine one ago.....seeing as i responded well to it for my cramps. I am also back on feverfew to help with the other herbal one i am on.
So far, the other tablets i am on seem to work a bit for keeping away the migraines however, i have a bad one yet to come and they seem not to help my daily headaches.
I am going to wait another few weeks before i approach my GP again...they have the habbit of saying i havent tried the meds out long enough. I will also push them to try and get me to have a refferal to the adult neurology unit as soon as i am 18.
KangarOO: i havent tried neurotin at all. I will bring that up with them next time i go...its worth a shot as it could be the answer to stopping these headaches.
Once again, thank you all for replying...i will keep fighting against this and smiling, althought at times it can be hard.