Posted 11/27/2012 4:51 PM (GMT 0)
What kind of headache do you have? describe the pain, throbbing, stabbing, pounding etc.
- It’s a general throbbing when it’s in the front of my head. Once it reaches the back of my head it becomes this type of radiating sting/stabbing.
How do you figure out a headache turning into migraine?
-My headache is always in the front of my head. Kind of where you’d see a woman wear a headband and forward. On a scale of 1-10 it's always at least a 6 when it’s there. As the headache moves further into the back of my head it becomes more painful until it reaches my occiput it becomes a full blown ten, or higher, and I’m in the emergency room with my fingers in my ears and a blanket over my face.
What other symptoms are associated with it? Nausea, sparkles in front of eye, dizziness etc.
-I always have flashes when I turn my eyes. It’s apparently a result of my Optic Neuritis (Began in mid July and which has been treated and cleared as of last month). I’m only nauseated once my headache moves further into the back of my head. I am not nauseated all the time.
Have you tried any OTC meds like Advil, Bayer Migraine, Alleve?
-Excedrine, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Excedrine migraine, Ibuprofen.
What tests have you done? Apart from the one mentioned.
-I have had well over 200 blood tests done according to my neurologist.. What all she’s tested for I am unaware. She just hands me a lump of paperwork and explains that all the levels look normal. All that’s been done is what I listed. Besides the MRI, I’ve had two of those, with and without contrast. Then there's your brain test they do almost every appointment; "touch your finger to your nose then touch my finger."
Which medications (and their dose) have you tried?
-Flexeril 10mg, Topomax 100mg, Gabapentin 600mg, Lyrica 50mg, Percocet 5/325mg, Tramodol 100mg, Fioricet 50/325/40mg, Amerge 2.5mg, Elavil 25mg, Imatrex 100mg, so far.
Have you maintained a headache diary to figure out your triggers? May be your one of your daily food or coffee could be the triggers.
-I have been maintaining a headache diary since June 26th, but my neurologist has asked me to document only the level of headache, and what I’ve used to treat the headache. I only have a large cup of coffee in the morning, no further caffeine intake.
Do you have any other medical condition? If yes, what is it and what meds do you take.
-I am currently taking the Flexeril, Fioricet, Percocet, and Amerge (Listed above) to try to manage my headaches.
How old are you?
-I am 26
What do you do for living? (what was your job?)
-I was a Personal Care staff at a group home. I have been unemployed since early July from this job d/t these headaches.
Thank you.