BaByGaBe said...
I have been getting this pressure in the back of my head, for like 2 months now, not constantly, but mostly everyday. There was one week where it totally went away, but it csme back. Some days I get it so bad, the only thing that makes me feel a little relief is when I lay down. The sooner I get this pressure or tightness in the back of my head, I get nervous, and start to think bad things like what if I pass out, and what if I panic and get a panic attack... (I also have anxiety disorder) the first thing I feel like doing is going to the ER, but I have been there already twice last month is the same week for this head pain, and they did CT scans, cat scans, EEG test, chest x-rays, head x-rays, blood tests, you name it. Every single test and scan, and x-ray they have done to me came out negative. They all say there is nothing wrong with my head, sinuses (even though they are constantly clogged and I can't breathe through my nose), or heart.
I am very distraught about this, because in the back of my mind I am thinking terrible, that maybe I may have brain cancer, or a tumor that is causing this. I doubt it, but it terrifies me. I am also terrified to pass out. Sounds kind of stupid, I know, but I have fainted several times in my lifetime so far, usually when I see a needle coming towards me, and I hate that feeling of passing out. I also recently read somewhere that some guy can't look at an LCD tv, or a Plasma tv for more than a few minutes otherwise he gets a migraine. I have an LCD computer monitor, as well as a Plasma screen in my bedroom where I spend all of my time. Could that be the cause? My doctor is sending me to a sleep apnea specialist to do a sleep study on me on March 9th, as she says may be the cause of my headaches and other issues. I will let everyone know how that goes. I take Paxil 12.5mg for my anxiety, and my doctor said that I should take Tylenol if I experience a headache/head pain. I have been doing this, but not everyday. Some days are worse than others, and the amount of pain I feel changes all day long.
If anyone has any experience in this field, please let me know what I can try to make this go away. I go to a Chiropractor, and it works occassionally, but it won't last all day. I also have had someone suggest I make a journal of the time I wake up if I have pain or not, to what I eat, and how much I eat, and the times I eat and if the pain gets worse, to write it all down. I am going to attempt this this week to see if there is anything that is triggering my head pain. I read an article that some foods like cheese, and too much bread triggers some headaches and other things. I will let everyone know what goes on in the course of the week
I have almost the exact symptoms as you. It started one night around 2 weeks ago when I tried to fall asleep. It was very late (around 2 am) and I was feeling this pressure at the back of my head and having trouble breathing. Every time I was just going to fall asleep, I felt like I was about
to pass out and stop breathing. So I kept waking up in panic. I took a Paracetamol tablet and finally managed to fall asleep. There was no sign of the headache in the morning. I checked that my blood pressure was normal.
After that the problem returned with an interval of 3-4 days. I would get the headache in the morning though. One day I was in class and started feeling slightly dizzy during the headache. Once it happened again at night and I felt that my nose was blocked. Inhaling steam from hot water helped and I could fall asleep.
The difference between you and me is, laying down on the bed usually doesn't help. If I take a small walk even inside the house it seems to release the pressure. And yes I agree with you on the anxiety part. The fear of having something really wrong inside of your head like a brain tumour or brain cancer hits you during the headache and it causes anxiety making the matter worse. Also using the computer for 2-3 hours i.e. staring at a LCD screen seems to aggravate it.
From what I've read on the Internet, the symptoms seem to align with 'Tension headache' caused mainly by stress and/or physical fatigue. But I don't think I am in a lot of mental stress right now but maybe it is fatigue.
I am going to a General Physician tomorrow to get an diagnosis. Let's see how it goes.