I just wanted to tell you that I have personally suffered from DAILY headaches for a lot of my life.
There are a lot of people on this forum who get dibilitating migraines however often, maybe once a week or whatnot, but I get the tension sort DAILY. I get the horrible migraines a few times a year.
I don't know which is worse, suffering from a headache every single day or suffering from dibilitating migraines a few times a month.
I have to tell you that even though it seems cliche, what other have said about rebound headache is absolutely true.
My doctor told me about it and I didn't think there was much stock to it, however, I believe it is true.
My doctor gave me a Rx for Proxicam, a mild pain reliever often prescribed for arthritis which I was to take every day for a week or two until i could get over my dependency for advil and tylenol.
See, if you are like me, I had been taking advil or tylenol the minute I got up and going in the morning just to try to ward off the inevitable headache i would have that day.
But it was just hurting me because it causes these rebound headaches.
In fact, i have had to take a lot of pain killers this past week to help a HORRIBLE mouth ulcer and as I am now weening off of taking so many i am suffering from the rebound headaches more again.
Another suggestion, I believe a lot of mine also stem from my neck.
My neck tends to get tons of knots in it and I have been trying to use a neck ice pack on my neck every night to help that. As well as keep my body flexible.
One more suggestion. PONYTAILS. If you have hair that permits ponytails or any hair -do that pulls on your head at all.
It makes a big difference for me. I like ponytails but I have learned i just have to wear my hair down every day because i like not having a headache better than I like wearing a ponytail.
I am happy to hear that I am not the only one who suffers from daily headaches.
I spent a lot of time sitting and worrying that there was something wrong with me because I didn't know anyone else who had them.
Let me know if you find out anything to help because it sounds like we have a similar case.
Although you said yours are in your temples. Mine are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS behind my eyes and forehead.
Go figure.