I am on topamax, 100mg am 150 pm for chronic head pain.
Alcohol will cause black outs; decrease the effectiveness of the med; INCREASE the likeliness of KIDNEY STONES.
Alcohol itself is a DEPRESSANT so heavy drinking as basicly SABOTAGING what you and your doctor are trying to accomplish.
When on topamax Heavy drinking of WATER is require to ensure no KIDNEY stones.
Therapy may be a good a idea to find out why the need to drink so much is there, mine ended up being 15 years of child abuse.
Please for you own sake, at least read the following link, no one can make you change, you have to want it. I just want to extend a helping hand.
That is what we do here, listen, support and validate the best we can.
www.mindful.org/can-mindfulness-help-stop-substance-abuse/Peace and strength