Hi! I did receive botox on 4 different occassions in 2000 by my neurologist. The 1st 2 treatments were pretty successful, it took about
2 1/2 weeks to feel the results and they lasted for almost 2 months. My headaches did not go away, but they were lessened enough that I could feel like a functional person. Then, like everything else, it stopped working. We thought it was a fluke, that's why we repeated in a 4th time. Every time was 3 months apart. So much for that! I have been trialed on over 50 different prevention medications and every acute medication you can imagine. I have done physical therapy and even accupuncture. My next step, the second week of May, is to travel to Missouri to a specialty clinic to discuss surgical options and any other options out there. I wish you the best with botox, it really is a great treatment for most people. Keep your fingers crossed for me!