Hi Cleopatra,
From listening to your symptoms, I think your major problem is the TMJ. Having migraines for thirty years, and many episodes of TMJ, you should be aware that you can have tension in your jaw both day and night. A night guard and the Klonopin may not be enough to keep the TMJ at bay. A muscle relaxer (Flexeril, Slekaxin, Valium, etc..) might help more as an immediate solution for the pain. You might also see a dentist who specializes in TMJ, who may find something physical in your jaw joint that actually needs to be surgically corrected.
As a separate option, you may be stuck in the cycle of "rebound" or "over-medication" headaches. You can actually be giving yourself the lowgrade headache if you take any pain reliever (OTC or prescription) every day, or every other day. If you get stuck in this cycle, try only taking a pain killer one day a week if you can possibly stand it. If not, talk to your doctor about how you can stop the cycle the most pain-free way. I occasionally will get a rebound problem because my migraines are so frequent. It's a real aggravation to deal with, especially since I don't handle pain well.
Think about these options, and see if either one sounds like it might work with you.
Best of luck and let us know how you do,
Leigh Ann