Living in the NE of the US we have an abundance of high and low pressure weather patterns. I suffer. A lot. I just spent a year in the SE and was much healthier. It does make a difference where you live. I wake up and go to bed with a headache everyday and they are more intense when the weather is crappy.... what, in NY? Really?
I wish there was something to do. I have PTC and a valve that regulates the spinal fluid in my brain, but the weather messes it up. I hate it. I have no abortives, am told NOT to take otc medicines such as advil, tylenol, etc because of rebound headaches. I have a great neurologist, but I don't get much relief from these headaches. Stress increases them too so it is cyclic. Headache, stress, more headaches, more stress, depression, headache/stress, suicidal.... awful.