Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I am now on 100mg Topamax daily. So far so good. A little tingling getting outta control sometimes but so far thats it.
Lost some of my appetite... pop tastes bad... can't think of some words. I have found that I'm a little restless, especially when reading or typing. I definitely can't sit here and tell you guys a whole story or I'd be pulling out my hair. I just can't sit still on this stuff. May turn out to be a good thing.
What concerns I do have are my eyes... my eyesight is getting very blurry and I am starting to get a little worried about the glaucoma factor. I went to my neuro yesterday and she said I had better get to my eye doc asap. Nice huh. So I'll definitely be going to get a pressure check as soon as I can. I hate those though. That poof of air right in your eye ball. yuck.
Anyway, just wanted to ask anyone else if they were having any eyesight probs. Also, if any of you guys lost any weight. My food intake has gone down a lot, just haven't seen any results. I don't own a scale so... no clue on poundage. So those are my questions.
Also, my Neuro said she felt NO NEED for an MRI... should I ask my physician?