Hi there! I am fairly new to this site. I have posted in the Anxiety Forums the past few days..but after reading a book regarding the different types of headaches..I was wondering if you can have a Migraine without actually having your head hurt??? In this book the author( who is a dr mainly dealing with all types of headaches) says that people can just have dizziness ALONE and that that can be a form of a Migraine. Some days I get dizziness( almost like a buzz feeling you get after drinking alittle too much), without any other symptoms. I have had my ears checked for any inner ear problems..etc. So after reading what this dr. had to say, I was wondering if anyone here has ever experienced that before or has heard of, or knows anyone who just might get dizzy or so and NOT have the headache along with it. Another example is my mom...she just gets weird eye thingys( auras) that happen to her( she might only see half of something, or there are squiggly lines in the view of what she is looking at..etc.) but she NEVER gets a headache with it. Her eye dr told her that was a form of a Migraine, but I was always under the impression that you had to have headache PAIN in order for it to be considered a Migraine.
Does anyone have an info about this?? Thank you!