Hey Sirrius: I couldn't help but stop and reply to your entry, because I had lived with a low grade, constant left sided headache for 25 years. (It averaged about a 3 or 4 on the 1-10 pain scale, enough to disrupt my life in many areas). Sirrius, in no way is "persistent daily" or "chronic daily headache" rare in the scope of headache phenomena. Most specialists at headache clinics will tell you that this type of head ache is, in fact, very common in their practices. I am sure there are MDs on this site who will vouch for this fact.
The fact that it is very specific can be a bit harrowing, especially when they cannot pinpoint anything "physical" going on, but this is because most headaches are at the cellular level---the chemical level of disease and can only be studied upon close examination under the microscope, following brain tissue dissection! Hopefully now with the nitrogen based FMRIs (functional MRIs), this will change. And no longer will GPs be so quick to put your condition and countless others like it, in the waste basket category of "tension headache".
I think it is a whole lot of "hooey"VIEW IMAGE, having had your doctor state the same; it is always a cop out when they are unsure.
Keep on keepin' on as you develop better and better coping skills to live with your condition, and try to keep a grateful and positive attitude always, as you (and millions of others) await for the elusive cure(s).
Travis Nobilis77
Post Edited (Travis_Nobilis77) : 2/10/2007 11:04:20 PM (GMT-7)