Hey Dan,
For over a year now I haven't had a pain free day, so I understand now what you are going through. I've been diagonised with a chronic/static migraine on top of TMJ, neck muscle and rebound headaches. I really think you need to see a nuerologist who can get you on a preventative medicine and find some medicines to take that are not narcotics. I agree with kymark about the rebound headaches and I know it sucks but sometimes toughing it out is the best way. I haven't taken any OTC medicines since Jan and I've been better for it. Of course, I break down sometimes and take the heavy duty drugs; but if it is tolerable than I just suffer. The reason is the very first headache lasted two weeks and then put me in the hosptial for 5 days mainly because of the rebound.
I really hope you see in a doctor. If you live in the Washington DC/Baltimore area I can reccomend a few for you. Best of luck to you. I wish you a pain free future.
Take care,