I'm up at 4:00am with a migriane that woke me during the night. I't 6:00 am right now and I still have the migraine. I've been dealing with migraines most of my life. I also dealt with epilepsy for over 25 years of my life, but since my brain surgery I've been seizure Free. These migraines are getting worse as time has gone by. I'm 46 years old, otherwise healthy. I deal with migraines almost on a daily basis, the one I have this morning is really bad. I got up and took a fiorcett it's not kicked in yet, not sure it will help. I've been on so many migraine meds with no results. I go to my neurologist next week, but I really don't know why, there seems to be little he can do. He has started all over giving me meds that he gave me a couple of years ago, not sure that's the answer. He has mentioned botox but my insurance will not pay for that. They inject it into your head and neck, was hoping to get this done, but I can't afford it. I know there a migraine brain surgery also, but I really don't want to go through another brain surgery. Things are getting bad, and I need some relief soon. I am under stress right now, so I'm sure that is only making things worse. Thanks for reading my post. God Bless you all, I understand your pain.