Has anyone else experienced migraines or migraine auras (prodromes) as a result of taking Lexapro & Effexor or withrawing from either (or other SSRIs)?
I had never had any migraine-associated symptoms until I started first on Effexor in 2003, then on Lexapro in 2006. I didn't know what was going on the first time I experienced a migraine aura and ended up in the ER. That's when I learned about migraines and their associated symptoms. I learned from my doc shortly after that migraines can be another side-effect of being on Effexor and/or Lexapro or withdrawing from either (or other SSRIs). The docs and pharm companies downplay this and refer to migraine-related issues from SSRI's as "anecdotal".
I get migraine auras at least three times a week now - - more if I don't take pain-killers first thing in the morning and throughout the day. They never become full blown migraine headaches, however, in addition to the classic jagged lights, etc, at their worst, they cause severe confusion which can last as long as three hours.
Because Lexapro is no longer effective against my depression, the doc tried me on Cymbalta. He started me on a low dose of it concurrent to reducing my Lexapro dose, with the ultimate goal of completely replacing Lexapro with Cymbalta. The migraines came back like gangbusters!
To determine whether the increased frequency and severity of the migraines were a result of the Cymbalta or the reduced dose of Lexapro, my doc had me stop Cymbalta entirely and reduce my Lexapro dose. Sure enough, the next day I had one of the worst bouts with migraine to-date. Colored jagged lights, sensitivity to light, dizziness, nausea and confusion. Ibuprofen and aspirin had no impact.
Has anyone else experienced migraines for the first time in their lives as a result of taking an SSRI or withdrawing from one? If so, how did you manage them or prevent them?