My primary care Doc worked miracles. I was able to see Dr. Atkins today at Nashville Neuroscience. I did have a very long wait and visit, but beats 8 hours or more at the ED. I was very impressed and it takes alot to impress me. Dr. Atkins is leaving to go to Duke in North Carolina, sadly enough for me. Anyway, she also experiences migranes and had them through med school. For the first time in my life I felt like the Dr really understood me. I could see the empathy in her eyes. She did a tedious medical history and to my amazement, I had taken 31 different types of medications for migraines since 2002. I had never listed them before today!
We talked at length about how to treat, how to get me back to work and what to do for a severe migraine, as I really dont like going to the ED.
We decided on Zonegran 25mg to start- gradually up to 300mg, same for Lyrica. For now a round of Decadron (to break this cycle) along with Frova 2 x daily for 5 days.
For mild-moderate migraines: Treximet, Skelaxin and phenergan, For moderate: I go to Frova
For severe: IM Toradol, Benedryl and Phenergan- I am a RN and she will let me give the meds to myself.
I cant express the freedom I feel just knowing that I am not subjected to the mercy of the ED docs.
I do have another CT scan tomorrow, I have mastoiditis in the right mastoid and I imagine in the left as well. That may require surgery, long term oral or IV antibiotics. This pain is horrible too!!!
I would recommend these Drs to anyone. I give them an A+ for effort, listening and at least attempting to control my migraines.
I hold out hope that I can at least get my pain to a 3 or a 4, I can deal with that.
I will keep you all updated and see how this all unfolds. It was too late to get meds to start tonight. I will update in a week or so.
If you want Dr. Jan Brandes info, I will gladly supply it. Also, I am blessed enough to live 30 mins from her office, so if you need a place to stay to come and see her, maybe we could work something out.
God Bless