Well I try to stay measured in responses and let some time pass when letting a little time pass doesn't create risk. In this case I've asked (just by leaving messages) doctors themselves to communicate about
it. I'm thinking if they don't, I don't think they'll care much about
patients opinions anyhow so not much point in wasting time watering the desert. If they do then they'll probably have enough sense to make some policy and procedure changes without me commenting from the grandstands.
Mostly my hunch is this is not about the doctors as medical thinkers but doctors as the managers of staff. The staff tries to protect the doctor's time and make sure they are getting paid for as much of the doctor's day as possible.
Mostly the 'bumps' that I've noticed really come out when dealing with after hours issues. The doctor that is supposed to be handling the after-hours issues for the specialty center really I think is not sitting in an office with access to all the records and working, or even at home with a computer linked in to all the records available. Instead I suspect they just have their office cell phone in their pocket and answer it promptly whereever they happen to be when it is their turn to be the after hours doctor. I do not know this to be the case, but it seems to match the experiences I've had.
If ever the time comes for me to look for another specialty center (I am not looking to do this just yet) one thing I will certainly check is whether the after-hours phone staff is able to provide meaningful information at least to ER doctors when they call, if not patients.