A doctor prescribed amitriptyline for migraine prevention (25 mg) He said part of the benefit would be that it would help me get a good night's sleep.
I've been taking it for five days and so far I HATE it.
Whereas before, I would sleep 3-4 hours before waking up, then doze off and on for the rest of the night, since the second night I'm waking up after sleeping 2-3 hours, and it's even harder to get back to sleep.
I'm feeling very tired during the day, more depressed than I was before and have had headaches several days so far. It also seems to be giving me a stomach ache.
My knee jerk reaction is to just STOP taking this crap and move on. I can't stand the thought of feeling this way for another two weeks or more (I think 3-4 weeks is a reasonable amount of time to give this to see if it will have any benefit) but I'm not sure.
Has anyone tried it? Did it work right away? Did it ever work?
I'm ambivalent about being on prescription drugs to begin with, so that makes me even less committed to seeing things through -- but honestly, it's hard enough to cope with the demands of my work and the rest of my daily obligations without all these side effects. I just don't know if I can go another week without getting a decent night's sleep!