I have been experiencing migraines since I was 5 years old, now 41. Over 90% of my migraines are accompanied by music in my head. Not the same music, more like a radio being changed from station to station. enough clips of songs to recognize the song and then it moves on to another station/song. It took me a very long time to reveal this to my partner and to my physician because I thought it was a mental disorder. But once I did, I was given the impression that my migraines tend to affect the area of my brain where music memory is stored.
So I am wondering if anyone else on the boards has similar experiences, whether music or other types of continual messaging back from your brain that either drives you crazy because it doesn't stop during the migraine episode or that you've come to identify as part of the disorder.
(p.s. naturalpaths actually believe that migraines are personality disorders.)