hi guys im a newbie here just seeing how many people are suffereing and coping with migraines!
for the past 3 months i have been getting daily migraines, just a headaches across the front of my head no other symptoms at the same time. sometimes i feel sick and dizzy but not at the same time, sometimes i loose my balance when walking and i get pins and needles in the right side of my hand, no aura's etc or anything else at all. i have recetly seen a neurologist who carried out a full neuro exam and advised these are migraines only although he has arranged a ct just to make sure. ive recentely started propanalol 20mg per day which were working for a week or so no headaches at all! then the last couple of days they have come back worse than ever nothing seems to get rid of them.not sure if this is connected either but every 6 months my eye sight is changing by -.50 in both eyes but again they have said nothing is clearly wrong here. the only medication i am taking is femulen and propanalol, i also suffer from M.E but i dont have many symptoms anymore. im just worried it could be something more severe as my uncle died last year of a brain tumour although he had no symptoms whatsoever until the last couple of months. any advise/ comments would be great thank you!