I was diagnosed with migraines at 4 years old. Im 36. I've tried everything medically possibly! I've exhausted all medicines and pain meds. I've had Sphenopalatine Gagnlion Never Blocks (which is basically sticking an anesthetic up your nose every day for 30 min a day x 5 days in a row), Botox, 4 sleep studies I'm sure there are more, but I just can't think of them right now!
Last week I went for my second round of Trigger Point Injections (TPI) and again my left shoulder & arm are killing me, but this time around my new problem is spasms and a sense of electric shocks that zap me near my left shoulder blade. These shocks are so harsh, they wake me up up in the middle of the night & I break out in a sweat just from the pain of it! The first round was not like this. I was sore, but nothing a couple of days with a heating pad didn't help. This is intolerable. Anyone else deal with this?