Hi Dusty, If you've not seen the following, all pertaining to media members having a migraine on air, it may be of some comfort to you. I have Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, and had ocular (visual) migraines for years. My neurologist said that there's a fine line, at times, separating migraine from seizures. When I'm coming down with a cold, or taking new medicine that interferes with my seizure medicine or exacerbates the seizure condition, speech coordination is lost, minimally now, since being medicated.
Please keep in contact with your doctor to rule out stroke.
Anyone else reading this, if you suddenly have trouble with speech, you must be taken to the Emergency Room for evaluation, do not assume it's migraine. See the Contact on Stroke Symptoms at the bottom of this comment.
For Dusty, having already been seen, she needs to deal with her doctor or have someone return her to the Emergency Room if symptoms change or worsen. When I had a Basilar Migraine, I had a Cat Scan without contrast at the E.R., then my neurologist ordered an MRI without then with contrast. Dusty, let me know what you think of the clips.
Having an EEG in office and a 24 Hour EEG might be of benefit as well. For the 24 Hour test, they secure the leads and send you home with wires cascading off your head. I had one done, it wasn't bad.
You may wish to avoid driving or operating machinery until you have a solid diagnosis. If you are inhibited speaking but not in comprehension, carrying a card briefly describing your condition may help if you're around strangers but might have difficulty speaking coherently, this will prevent them from understandably thinking drugs or alcohol were the cause of your temporary difficulty in communicating.
m.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ-RzRUynAEm.youtube.com/watch?v=YXKW9RX2s3Am.youtube.com/watch?v=bL7n6y09aAoStroke Signs and Symptomwww.cdc.gov/stroke/signs_symptoms.htm