Erebus Desmus said...
Dear everyone having one side headaches
kindly read this...
Abnormal Blood Flow
Migraines can start and stay localized on one side of the head, states the University of Maryland Medical Center. While the exact cause of migraines is still not well understood, it is believed that the blood vessels first constrict and then expand, allowing an increase of blood to a specific area of the brain, which creates pressure and pain. This can happen in any area of the head or just on the left side. Alcohol, diet, stress, loud sounds, smells and many other triggers can cause a migraine to occur.
Weather Changes, Smoking and Heredity
Cluster headaches tend to occur on just one side of the head, and often, two, three or more times in a row for days on end. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke claims that these types of headaches are more common in smokers, and can also be triggered by changes in the weather. Cluster headaches may be mistaken for allergies. A tendency for cluster headaches can also be inherited, or result from a head injury.
If there is an aneurysm in the left side of the brain, it may cause a cluster or migraine-type headache on the left side. The National Headache Foundation states that aneurysms can be congenital, or occur as a result of very high blood pressure. In some cases, aneurysms produce no symptoms until they are very large and about to burst, at which time the headache will be severe. Headaches due to aneurysms may also cause symptoms during periods of physical exertion.
Erebus Desmus-your post above is good. Thank-you.
Over the last 35 years I would get migraines that if treated within 20 minutes were managable. This summer,there was a change, pain on the left side,near/above left eye started July 1st and continued for 8 weeks (every day. all day. all night).
It seemed similar to my "usual" migraine pain but with a twist. That twist was with an upset,anger,or pre-orgasmic the pain almost knocked me over. I was speechless with its intensity. Called my doc. He has a substitute in for the summer (he has been ill) & this doc was fearful that it could be an aneurysm. She sent me immediately to Emerge and a CT was done that night. It was negative. A referral within 2.5 weeks to a neurologist who said a CT is useless and thought an MRI should be done. He took an in-depth history and demanded to know all vitamins, supplements, herbal treatments,caffeine,alcohol and OTC pain meds. This doc is well known for his ability to Dx migraines with great accuracy and to involve his patients in resolving the pain.
I have a long painful history of herniated discs C3 -C5 in 2000 as well as L2- L4 in 2009) with residual pain in the left arm and right leg. But I live my life,have raised my kids,train future service dogs and work PT as a health care professional. I am used to pain- (?-what a thing to get used to eh?) but wow! this over the left eye stuff gobsmacked me! truly scared me. I do grind my teeth and wear a custom night guard. My stress has been higher, but perhaps life has caught up with me.
The neurologist and I chatted and since he was very comfortable not doing an MRI we discussed my options. #1 was that I needed a holiday (a little, more than a little paternalistic I thought)but he is right. and to reduce my stress levels.
#2 re: medication, I stopped all Ibuprofen and he suggested several vitamins, B2 100mg twice a day , Magnesium twice a day, B6,12 daily, calcium & Vitamin D3 1000iu twice a day and also I take B50 a couple times a week PLUS a really old-been-around-for-ever tricyclic anti-depressant called Nortriptyline in really small doses 10 mg for 7 days and if no migraine relief take 20 mg for the days 7-14 and if still no pain relief take 30 mg days 14-21 ,add 40 mg a nightx7 up to 50mg a night. It helps with sleep and i am VERY mindful it is a potent drug that can have side effects. These small doses are an "OFF label" use and problems (which for me weight gain would be the quite bothersome) should be minimal. I have read that it is HIGHLY effective with cluster migraines-which the neurologist thought I had.
#3 I have started using a very small flattish pillow at night and it seems to help my neck. I have decided to budget for a new bed (and there are LOTS of mattress sales on right now-the present bed is 24 years old-so it's a new bed instead of a mini-holiday) I recognize I do have some neuropathy and the Nortriptyline also has been effective in treating residual nerve damage pain in my left arm. I keep a fan on at night to allow decent airflow in the bedroom. I have found a massage therapist who is "just perfect" and helps get some knots out. A chiropractor who has treated me before is aware i will NOT allow EVER any neck manipulation or "cracking' is willing to help resolve my neck and jaw discomfort. I have an appt on Tuesday. Fascia release is what I am hope will be helpful. hey! shoulder muscles are connected to the neck muscles which are connected to the um"head"? muscles and so on..........
#4 I was surprised that he so quickly "pegged me" as a super senstive person. i feel heat. i feel cold. wind bothers me, crooked pictures, can't stand the TV sound too loud, my shoes pinch. hate wool sweaters and scarves. I sense and feel and touch and taste what most people never even notice! baggggggggggahhhhhh i am a perfectionist & adore detail. thus migraines. so partly there is a emotional source for me. I now often shut off all electronics, no radio in the car. I have a walk with nature every day. I use a soap i really like. soft fabrics. cotton blanket. We will have another dog soon and that will help. I honestly believe that sending my last foster back for training was too stressful for me maybe even our own dog. black labs all the way!!!!
The Nortriptyline seems to be helping and the headaches break through only occasionally,I hope to stay at 20 mg or 30 mg a night. no more. The pain pre-coital remains, but at much, much less intensity.
I wish you all well. Tiny lifestyle changes may help. We all have pressures and stressors that affect our body. If these stresses can't be resolved we can TRY do something to counter-act & hopefully add some calmness in our life. KNOW YOUR TRIGGERS!