I usually post in the ulcerative colitis forum but I have a personal friend who has found complete relief from her chronic migraines. She had her saliva tested by the firm 23andme.com. 23Andme gives you your personal genome but can no longer provide health-related results. But GeneticGenie.org will send you your methylation and detox profile using the hundreds of thousands of pieces (called SNPs) of genetic data from your DNA provided by 23andme.
My friend's health results indicated that she had genetic mutations that impaired functions of certain enzymes that could manifest as migraines. But by monitoring her diet, e.g. forgoing sulfur/sulphites containing foods, and some supplements such as niacin, methylfolate (NOT Folic Acid), and methylated vitamin B12, then she could drastically reduce her migraines.
This short descript
ion does not detail her complete protocol. The first webpage listed below is the result of 45 years of her personal research. The 2nd link below is an excellent summary of MTHFR mutations that can manifest as myriad health issues including migraine.