I don't know what to do anymore.
I got my first aura about
11 years ago after my daughter was born. I would get auras every month around my cycle - numbness, vision problems, memory problems (could not remember my phone number or name). I was able to deal with it as it only happened once a month - there was a pattern.
I had an MRI done, all normal.
Soon, the migraines and auras dissipated to maybe once every 6 months. Still scary when it happened, but I was thrilled as it did not affect my life too much.
In March of this year, I had a D&C for heavy bleeding. That is where I see the point of no return. After that, I have been having auras once every few days (sometimes multiple times a day). A migraine doesn't always follow, but the auras scare me to death every time they happen. I cannot see anything. I am losing days of my life just panicking over when the next aura is going to happen. There seems to be no set pattern anymore. They happen whenever, and always sends me into a panic attack.
I can deal with the pain of a migraine, but I cannot live with this constant fear of going blind (yes, it feels like I simply can't see anything when it happens.)
Had an MRI and and MRA done in May, both normal.
Doctor put me on Ativan for anxiety - not helping with the auras at all, barely helping with the anxiety. I literally don't know what to do anymore. I am not living my life. I have an 11 year old and twin 4 year old boys - I fear taking them anywhere in case I get an aura while driving.
Isn't there any help out there for this? I feel so down and desperate and depressed over this.
I am just so sad.