hello all.. i have been having headaches, migraines,tension headacehes since 3 or 4 years old im 23 now. well about
7 months ago i started having these burning sentsations or electrical shocking feeling in the top of my head, its only in one spot and some times the burning sentsation will go a lil more down in my head.when i do touch my head where i get the shocking feeling it kind of hurts, it feels like a bruse or numbness and its only in that spot. its not headaches it happents for a few seconds to mints to some times hours.I am nervous of having a brain tumor cause thats what this sounds like, to me.My doctor pissed me off saying this could be from stress or pinced nerve or infection or it could be anything
im so angry with him , he asked me if it hurted rite now when i was in his office and i said no and he was like well come back when the pain hurts
how dare he? Now nobody beleives me anymore bc i complaine about
it all the time, and they think i am makeing it up
OHH it happents alot when i have my period and after my period, usually rite after my period mostly.I dont take any meds but advil ,i also have other symtopms:dizzines, ear pain,fozzy head<------ all of these symtpoms sound like a brain tumor to me
im sooo scared.i dont have insurance or dont have the money to do an mri.