Hi everyone!
It's been a while since i've been on and posted anything let alone read anything. My heartfelt care and concern to all of you riding the migraine rollercoaster.
I've been in my own little person dungeon of dispair! It seems like everything is my trigger now. I just can't keep up with what my mind and body are doing.
I've been through a couple med changes over the past few months. And obviously i'll be changing again soon. I was amitriptyline...worked for a bit. Then i changed to propanolol...that just made me exhausted way too much. And instead of getting the week long migraine's. I was getting the ones that last a couple hours to a couple of minutes but several a day. I think my doc is switching me to topomax next. What the heck!!! Might as well.
I haven't been able to keep a journal, because i'm always in either so much pain or so much aura's I can't think straight to do it. Well, okay, that might be a bit of a cop out. I'm just sick of trying...what's the point.
Anyway, you are not forgotten. I will be around more often now. I'm finished sulking on my own.
Thanks for listening to me rant I"m sure my husband has had enough. Luckily I have a hubby that doesn't complain much. Only looks at me like I'm a poor old soul.