Anyone who would like to respond feel free. If not I understand that some are private about
certain matters.
I'd like to know of the medicines that we all take. More importantly I'd like to know what they help the most and which ones we've found to be of the greatest help and for what symptoms.
My medications (i downsized many as they had me on so much that if id taken what was written id of never lived, and o.d. would of been likely), I did have one of my doctor's help me in deciding which ones I could do away with for now.
1. Neurontin-helps me with symptoms of shooting feelings in face and limbs ,seems to ease the tremor in my hand, eases the burning sensations that I've gotten (not many times).
2. Baclofen-helps my spasticity and some dystonia. I posted on a different thread the types of spasticity I had experienced this past episode but in addition to what I posted , one eve my right ankle turned toward the right in a very painful spasm/cramp? (not sure what its called as far as contracture, spasm , cramp, dystonia)..I grabbed for the baclofen in the dark and took half of it. In about 5 minutes the foot went back to it's normal positon. Then it did the same again in about 10 more minutes. It was very painful (some of mine are not). I took the other half of the baclofen and again my foot returned to being straight and without pain. This is the first time my ankle has ever twisted painfully outward.
3. Vitamin D. I was told it was helpful and since I am heat sensitive and avoid the sun at peak hours, I do add it. I can't say I feel any results but I was told by a professor or neuro that it has now been proven to ease many MS patient's symptoms.
4. b12 injections- I was anemic but it was from some periods that gave me quite a time. I was on b12 once every 2 weeks and they were wanting it once per week until they got my lab back that showed my level was back up! I've learned that due to something called intrinsic factor (sp) that some cannot absorb b12 orally. Even 2,000mg of B12 in capsule only converts to 1mg once taken. But the lozenges do work better and you recieve more if your intrinsic factor is ok.
5. Folic acid-all that I really know about this is it went hand and hand with B12 which I now get only 1 time per month and that may even end.
6. magnesium supplement. I had read up on it and purchased it, and when I saw that Gretchen ( i think it was her) took it, I began to also take it.
7. Flaxseed oil for heart health.
8. Green drink I mix in juicer with every green veggie, then I add some lemon juice w/ half of an apple to rid the bitter and other than the horrid pea green look it's very good. I do this for the calcium and antioxidants.
9. Copaxone- subq for r and r ms.
10. I have some opiate pain meds but i do not take those unless i cannot find relief through anything else and sometimes even then i resist.
11. Zinc
The medications that were either not helpful for me or not helpful enough were;
oral prednisone (might of helped but i do not wish to overuse steroids)