You poor girl. Limbo sucks. I too am glad at this point you don't have MS, but can totally understand the frustration you are going through. Sunny is right, you have a concrete dx of ON, start a file of symptoms and results of all your test.
Take time to absorb the situation you are in. Remember NOT having MS would be a good thing. Only time will tell what all your symptoms lead to, it may be too early to detect the lesions. My Neuro thinks that even though I was only dx 8/07, what I have had for many years may have been MS all along. That probably doesn't help your frustration, that is not how I meant it. I just meant that even though I've had some flares, and symptoms all along, nothing so bad on most days that I couldn't cope. And I found all my cyber friends here who understand, can relate and support me, just as we all try to do for you.
Take care friend, come back and vent, mourn, and then maybe have a big bowl of ice cream. HAHA
We are all here for you.