I'm sure we'd all heard "it could be worse" , and boy am i finding that out. A routine visit with gp yesterday revealed in im kidney failure. 43%. Flank pain and hiccups which youd think they'd admit due to ARF. It begain a few nights ago , i could literally feel both kidneys cramp up, i can hardly remain awake, flank pain is high and chest pain.
I am to do untrasound today (snowing like nuts) and stress test with possible heart cath. I see a neprhologist whom it usually takes 6 months to see within 4 days. The doctor held me and cried.She's a female christain doctor.
It's been so hard. Not a week without a bomb. I cant and wont complain because i am finding out it indeed CAN always be worse.
Highly unlikely to be eligible for a transpant due to autoimmune destroying new organ. Functioning and quality of it isnt even as high as with dyalisis.
The hiccuping is become scary as even a year ago my creatine clearnce was perfect and size of organs were as well. Its like it as lurkinig but overnight so to speak took the function that i cannot get back.
It hurts. Chest pain as well which is marked as flank but they are also concerned about the lining of the heart and now understnd that my vitamin d..and bone pain probably came from this.
Horrible. But right now, Yoga is the last thing on my mind. Perhaps, if blessed there may be a day that ill think about exercise. I had a visitor yesterday and couldnt hold my eyes open at all. Beginning to wonder if narcolepsy isnt the kidneys causing the sleepiness that indeed sometmes can go to coma.
note ****It can always be worse, try to be thankful ( i know this now) if you have MS but your other body systems, such as organs are fine. I know its a hard disease, but there are others that do not afford you the mortality.