Thanks Deb will consider the calendar idea, right now it's like keeping a med chart again (used to work a Detox unit a while back)...
Uppity, you're right about the heart stuff being things we women don't recognize... when I was originally dx'd Fibromyalgia (my neuro doesn't believe in fibro, says it's a catchall) I'd get pains down the right arm, upset stomach, heart palpitations, pressure on my chest feeling etc... like heart attack symptoms (I'd tell hubby just in case something went sour so he'd know) but this isn't that... this is just tightness making a shortness of breath feeling for me. I still get the palpitations sometimes but again, that's thyroid stuff. You could be right about that "hug" I just don't understand what it actually is or how to explain this feeling right.
Today it's been a little easier to breathe but now it seems all right sided tension thru the back into the neck (all upper torso stuff but right sided) that's just been tight and painful. I used 2 Flexeril and a Tylenol 3 last night to sleep soundly too, normally that relaxes me enough to wake up refreshed. (Both docs approve for now).
So yep, I'm gonna talk it over with him in May but I see my GP April 9th (check up from the UTI & followup on Thyroid stuff) and I'll mention it to her first in case she wants to do any heart stuff.