I've been struggling with a large group of symptoms for the last couple of months and the Dr. recently suggested the possibility of MS. I'm currently waiting on MRI results and an appointment with a nuerologist next month. In the meantime I thought I'd ask people who had confirmed dx's whether or not my symptoms seemed to fit MS. This is what I've been experiencing:
numbness in my hand face and on the bottom of my foot
a feeling similiar to that of RLS except on the entire right side of my body
pain and stiffness in my shoulders, neck and back
muscle weakness and coordination issues with my arm
I have to pee all the time
I lose my train of thought frequently and sometimes I feel like I'm slurring though I'm not
sure I really am
The sun feels really hot and I can't tolerate hot showers anymore
Most of these issues were, up until recently, only on my right side but lately it's like I can feel them creeping to my left side as well. I've had only one other episode like this, when I was pregnant with my youngest my face went numb for no apparent reason for two weeks. My ob/gyn said it wasn't pregnancy related and my GP said it was but neither could tell me precisely what the problem was. I would appreciate any feedback you could give me. I feel very alone in this. I don't think anyone around me really appreciates what I'm going through right now (and I'm pretty sure my mother in law thinks I'm faking it) so it would be nice to know if someone else is experiencing anything like what I am. Thanks