I am glad you posted here. I am sure this is all very frightening for you. I hope you feel comfortable here and read and learn lots. It can be a long drawn out process to either diagnose MS or rule it out. I am glad to hear that you are going to see a neurologist in September.
MS is different for each person who has it. It can progress very, very slowly or it can move right along. For some it is just weird sensory stuff like you have described or it can seriously impair. Most of us are somewhere in between those two ends of the spectrum.
When you see the neurologist, I highly recommend you DON'T say, " I think I have MS." Many doctors will then assume that you have an anxiety problem or hypochondriasis (both real and quite serious medical issues as well). So go in and try to describe the symptoms that you have. Let the doctor know of dates of occurances and general symptom time lines. He will do an exam and check for normal/abnormal reflexes, balance and such.
From there he/she may order some tests. Good luck and feel free to ask questions. Againk, welcome to the board.