Sorry it has taken me so long to respond but my hands...
I will address everything asked and stated...
I am allergic to baclofen to. I am on a tca which is a tricyclic antidepressant. It also has a sideaffect for me it seems which is high blood pressure. I went from 120/80 or lower to 166/110 or higher. I think i can look into lyrica again i hope.
I will look into ldn meds and see what my new doc says about them. Regular pain meds dont help when coupled with my other meds...heck the propxy doesnt even help me sleep. and thats all the pain med they have for me right now. I start my copaxone today to help with ms symptoms so yay for that. finally.
My lp from 07 i was just told it was normal but i was told this time the protiens separated out and was ms. However i was also told the actual ms testing took a month or more and i have yet to find out that result...from either test...
the mri from 07 had a possible 2 lesions and the 08 had many. By many i mean about 20. ANd the 08 one of my spine done on 08-0108 had one in my spine. so thats where i am now. And my work suffers and they keep asking me if i will be able to do my job duties.