Hey Gemini, Welcome to the board. I know exactly how you feel. The public does not know I have MS unless told. People do not get that I am so hot from doing nothing and I can't stand to be in the sun etc. And, I think to myself or say you people just don't get it! They say they are hot too but, I am SO hot. Up until 6 years ago the heat never bothered me anywhere as much as it does now. I was in the sun alot before. After about 14 years with MS is when the heat problem started for me. I"m fairly new to this board as well but, I can tell you it is a wonderful place to come and air out your thoughts, issues, and problems. These folks here understand because they are inflicted with some of the same things we are. I wish I had found HealingWell along time ago. Again, "WELCOME".