Well, I kept my appointment on July 2nd. It went almost as I expected it to. I walked in, he told me that my MS was in "remission" and I won't have another relapse ever. I asked about my MRI's and he told me that they said the same thing as the last one. I asked for a lesion count and he didn't answer me. Now he has recinded ALL of my dx's including fibro cuz he doesn't feel that I have all the sypmtoms for either of them.
My inablity to move my body in the morning is my mattress and my back pain is from the weight I gained while having children and lifting.....which I don't lift anything more than about 10 pounds. He checked my feeling in my feet and jambed his reflex hammer into the bottom of my feet till I could feel it. And after that, I couldn't get a single question out of my mouth without him cutting me off. He pretty much told me that I'm cured of the MS and that I will be able to go back to work as soon as he figures out what's wrong with my neck, back and why I have a headache all day every day.
He still insists that the spinal tap is the end all be all tests for MS and refuses to allow me to ask questions about how he got his answers. I am frustrated beyond belief. I am tired so he gave me Ambien and Elavil (antidepressant) to help me sleep and some kind of suppliment to help me get some energy. I am now in the market for a new neuro, but I am going to get a copy of my MRI report before I go searching for doctors. I want to read it in black and white that I have the same number of lesions as I did 2 years ago.
How can one doctor discount 3 other doctors after seeing me for only 3 appointments? Can MS go into remission?
I don't believe that mine is not going to come back. I've already had 2 known attacks. 4 years ago I had one lesion and 2 years ago I had 6 more for a total of 7 lesions. I am so tired of the roller coaster ride this doctor has started. Sorry for the long post!!!