My problems started back in 1994, dizziness and lack of balance with terrible headaches. It lasted pretty severly for about 3 years. Then it went away, but not completely, I would have an occasional bad day here and there, but able to deal with it. I had MRI's which all came back normal, evoked response came back normal, even seen an ENT Dr. for inner ear testing, all came back normal. Now, for the last 6-8 months, I have been having several problems again with my balance, heavy legs, and weakness in my legs. Seeing a neuro again, MRI of brain and thoracic spine, normal, no lesions. I am now awaiting cervical spine MRI. After all these years(12) and no lesions, has anyone ever heard of that with MS? Although, I am still awaiting the Cervical MRI, at this point I have no lesions. But, still have all the terrible symtpoms... I have posted here before, and like many of you, I still have no dx. and not one doctor able to tell me anything close to a dx. It sure makes it hard to not know what the hell is going on with your own body. The neuro I am seeing now thinks it is not MS, since I have no lesions to show since 1994, no bowel/bladder problems and no visual problems. Of course that doesn't help, I still don't know. Is there anyone out there that has been given a dx of MS, after many years of normal MRI and evoked potential tests?