Well, I've finished 2 weeks of the physical therapy to help my legs. They have me ride a bike for 10 minutes then I do some different exercises for my legs, then they put a belt arouind my waist and the therapist hangs on to it while they have me walk a straight line (without looking down!)putting one foot in front of the other and then "braiding" walking side ways putting one foot over then back and so on. Also, they have me on a mini tramplolene trying to be balanced and they bat a ballon to me and I'm supposed to hit it back.
I can tell my balance is some better. I know it won't be like a normal person without MS even after I finish the therapy but I think it is helping. I still haven't started the imuran, I will eventually.
My Avonex is still kicking my booty each week, I've had 12 shots so far and no reduction in side effects. I really think it's because I have lupus also.
Thanks for listening!