I'm still in the diagnostic stage. I've had a lot of MS symptoms, but my MRIs are normal. I haven't had an MRI on my thoracic spine yet, that's scheduled for this coming Monday.
On my two neuro exams, I have had a present Babinski reflex in my left foot. In addition, my SSER (EVP) was abnormal on my left leg.
The second neurologist I have seen (the first dismissed me without any follow-up after my MRI came back normal) told me that these findings could be from peripheral damage to the nerve in my leg instead of being a problem in my central nervous system (which isn't what the EVP report said. It said that the problem was most likely located between the end of my spine and my cerebral cortex.)
So what is the significance of a present Babinski and abnormal EVP on the same side? Could it be peripheral nerve damage, or is it more likely to be something going on in my central nervous system?
Thanks and hugs,