Well, this past Monday, the 12 of Feb. I had my surgy, the tumor and hystorectomy thing....[no cancer],and since then with out change or variation of any kind I have had numbness in my right leg. I called my nuro's office and reported it and also the surgeon, obgyn, knows. The surgeon said maybe it's from the surgry itself, the cutting,trama etc. I am still in the limbo stage with no concrete answers and MRI negative etc. Deep down,,,and I am not a drrama queen, I know something is wrong and continue to become more and more frustrated. The nuro mentioned the lumbar punture after surgry and healing but why spend the time or money if that comes back neg. too ? Any help ? Anyone ? I do have an appointment schedualed already for the nuro and surgeon and they are in the same " network " together.
When I was in the hospital they gave me hepran shots for blood clots and said I could take them in the stomach or the leg, I chose the leg because it was numb !! I guess that was in my favor.