Hi everyone,
I have been very ill this past week. I've had dizziness and nausea on and off for months, which has gotten much worse over the past couple of weeks. My husband had to pick me up from work on Tuesday because I almost passed out and my legs started getting really weak. He took me to the ER and we spent nine hours there (we were supposed to be going out for our Valentine's dinner that night, but didn't make it. )
They did another MRI of my brain, which of course was normal. The blood tests showed that my liver enzymes were elevated, so they did an abdominal ultrasound which showed that my liver is enlarged and that I have a benign tumor in my left kidney. (And unknown to me, an ultrasound I had back in April showed the same findings, but they were never mentioned to me.)
Anyway, I was sent home and had to go to my PCP the next day to get a blood test for hepatitis, which isn't a likely problem, but they wanted me to check, just to be sure. My PCP had mentioned the possibiity of sending me to Mayo Clinic, but since my MRIs are normal, he now doesn't feel that there would be anything new to discover.
So I had an emergency visit to the nurse practitioner at my neurologist office (the neurologist is in Hawaii for a month's vacation.) She did another neurological exam, which was pretty normal except for my reflexes in my legs, but said she could find no reason for the weakness in my legs or my other symptoms. She said my symptoms are all consistent with MS, but without any clinical evidence, there's not much she can do. She prescribed a half a Valium for me to take every morning, which is her response to my dizziness, nausea, and weakness (and the Valium did NOT help at all this morning.) They set me up with a follow-up appointment with the neurologist, but she's so booked up that she can't see me until September!
I am so frustrated! I'm still getting no answers about any of this. And now I'm starting to wonder if I'm just nuts and all of it is in my head. How can I have so many symptoms and no clinical evidence? I don't understand. And in the meantime, I'm still sick, dizzy, and having a difficult time walking. I haven't been to work all week because I'm too sick! I have a job to do. I have a life to live. I need to feel better. I need answers.
I could just cry!