centralnjgal said...
I've posted this topic before. Have one other question..
Does having MS cause someone to sometimes have a neurogenic bladder where you don't have an actual uti, but somehow you feel like you have a uti with all the symptoms?
Can someone shed some light?
The bladder is a muscle. Like any other muscle, it can have spasms -- spasticity -- which can cause you to feel like you have to go, or go frequently, or try to go and can't pass urine. In addition, MS can cause the bladder to either distend -- enlarge and hold more than the normal amount of urine, or shrink, and not hold a normal amount, causing you to feel like you have to go more often.
When you say "all the symptoms" -- if you're experiencing a fever, though -- that IS a sign of a UTI, and not "neurogenic bladder". But if by "all the symptoms" you mean urgency, frequency, inability to pass urine, feeling like you have to go again before you can get out of the bathroom, pain in the bladder area (from spasticity), and all that --
then yes, having MS means you have a neurogenic bladder -- which means it is not working properly. You need to go and get tested to find out exactly WHAT isn't working properly, and then there are meds you can take which can help.