Ok - so this is more than just a little embarrassing. I first posted a couple of months ago, and I'm still waiting to see the Neuro - see them on Friday - so we're close, but it's just the beginning, I'm sure. I still have a lot of the same symptoms, the dizziness, the numbness and tingling, the poor grip, the eye pain, the headaches (took myself off topamax, headaches worse again), occassional lip/face numbness (the right side of my inner mouth full of teeth marks where I keep biting my lips because I'm numb) and now, I've started a whole new embarrassing problem.
A couple of times now, I've awakened at night damp, having urinated in the bed. When I get up to go to the bathroom, it just runs out of me. I've *never* had this problem, and as a mom of three having potty trained all of my kids, this is kind of humiliating. I throw a towel on the bed rather than waking my husband and three year old son who likes to sleep with me.
I know that bladder problems are associated with MS - but is this one of them? I was tested for a UTI at the Dr.'s office a couple of weeks ago when I was sick, did not have one, plus no other UTI symptoms, so pretty sure that's not what it is. Do I need to mention this to the Neuro or just kind of keep it to myself?
Advice please? :)