Maybe someone smarter than I could help me sort out the " Impression" of my MRI I finally received plus my films getting prepared to see a "neuro//opthomaolgist" in November, next month due to my opthomalogist wanting me to see for further evaluation...
Well above it says before the "impression" optic neuritis , on the FLAIR and T2 weighted images, I do note a single linear area of signal hyperintensity in the deep white matter of the left frontal lobe, which extends towards th periventricular region. This is almost perivenlular in configuration. It could be a demyelinating plaque, although it has a linear configuation and may also be a small venous angioma.
IPRESSION: I see a single, linear area of signal hyperintensity in the left frontal periventricular white matter, in which may be some perivenular leukomalacia. It is possilble it could be a demyelinating plaque. It does not exhibit enhancement. It could be a very small, venous angioma,conceivable, although it does not exhibit enhancemnet like a venous angioma.
Let me add, my vision in the right eye has become combersome esspecially at night with lights, I have double vision in the right eye and it effects me as such, headlights are two sets on top of eachother, the center pieces in the roads, reflectors are on top of eachother like 3D.
All signs, reflectors and any shinny opjected are unclear, no definition of details or edge, like they are vibrating so fast you can't make it out.
Most of all red lights are so blown out, I cannot make out what the the thing says, green is blurry too but not as bad. All the lights at night are scattered, like an out of focus camera lens. Even in the day the headlights are scattered and blurred to me.
Many others things, as I try hard to knock this out of my thought process so I can concentate on my job, something happens to remind me. One night as I was leaving a clients home and comenting on their flower garden, saying good bye before I left, as I stood there my legs trembled so much I bent both of my knees to try and hide what was happening to me, out of the blue and I became paranoid they knew what was happening. I got to my car to turn in last minute paper work at the office and it was so strange a feeling just pushing my foot on the gas pedal my legs were still trembling. There's other things, I don't want to waste your time. I feel I know in my heart something is wrong and has been wrong for some time and this whole waiting period is eating a way at me.
I am looking forward to seeing the neuro//opthomologist next month for further answers. Thank you for your time and consideration.