cindiago said...
hi everyone. Read about the incontinet problem that I am also experiencing, it makes me feel like a small child to have this problem. Are there any suggestions about what kind of clothing you were to keep other people from noticing you have on a diaper? I wear long dresses to keep from revealing this because I figure it would be a dead give away if I wore shorts or pants. Any suggestions would be appriciated.
God Bless us all! This is sure tough.
Well, I do use Depends regularly, but since I don't walk anymore, having other people notice is not a problem. I don't even own a dress anymore...spend most of my time in jeans.
There are incontinence panties available that aren't much different than regular panties. You might wear a size larger outer pant than normal, so that it's not tight around your buns, but otherwise I don't think anyone will really notice those.