Hey there,
Lumbar puncture is set for 25th at 9.00am and my MRI for the rest of the spine is Wed next week. Guess I will get my blood drawn then. Not sure which is the worse of two evils :( Either have to have PICC line antibiotics for Lyme or MS diagnosis and treat that plus oral antibiotics for lyme.
Now what I have read has confused me.... there is no cross reaction with the bands correct? If the bloodwork and bands show ms positive is it accurate? What I am understanding is that there is a very specific combination of test results they look for in the blood and spinal fluid ????
Neuro said if mri shows anything on rest of spine do not even need to do spinal really but is probably a good idea....You know my MRI was clear of foci 6 months ago is it usual to have a few pop up in such a short time?
Do some people have no foci on brain and spine but still have ms on spinal tap?
Thank you,