Hello everyone,
I am new to the board and I have been reading through your posts because I have had some neurological issues the last year which my neurologist believes to be atypical migraines, or 'silent migraine' but I'm not too sure.
I have a lot of dizziness and have had that come and go during the past seven years but latley it's chronic and now something new, I get strange tingling sensations on the left side of my body and spasms. Sometimes I stutter (happened twice) and the other day when I was undressing I felt as though my pants were still on after I had removed them. It was bizzare. I keep having weird syptoms and I asked him about M.S. and he just keeps blowing me off and telling me thats not what you have. Well, I have had two normal MRI's, according to the Dr.'s (I've never seen my records) and no spinal tap, but I'm hearing that those don't really give you a definate diagnosis. So how does a person get diagnosed if thats what they have? Should I push for more testing or let it go for a while? I have begun having terrible undiagnosed back pain and on and off undiagnosed coughing too. (I have no idea if those are M.S. symptoms or not) but I just feel there is something more going on than migraine.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post,