Sorry you are having that- not a fun problem for sure. Like Gretchen mentioned, lesion
location can play a factor. I have a brain stem lesion that caused the vertigo and balance issues at first. Rarely get it these days and so I'm fortunate in that sense. But the fluorescent lights trigger migraines for me (along with the nausea and vision problems). I think that breaking apart my migraines from my MS symtpoms is impossible. Neurologists and other docs, seem to want everything to fit in neat little boxes but they don't. It's all connected! I requested that two sets of fluorescents over my cubicle be removed and also for a flat screen monitor instead of the CRT (big boxy ones) because they flicker too much also. If that's your trigger for it, is there a way they can make a reasonable accomodation at work? Willow