Ok, I have experienced the memory thing off and on but so does my husband. You can't think of something and two hours later it comes to you. The other day I went to retrieve my voice mail off my cell phone and put in the code. Not excepted wrong code! Tried again, same thing!!! OH MY GOD am I crazy? This is my business cell and I get messages all day long off this phone. Tried again with another combination.....WRONG!!!!!!!!! What the heck? I finally after several attempts put the phone down and walked away for about
15 minutes. Took a deep breath and went back and remembered what it was. WOW.....scary.......I did shake it off as I have to remember with MS you take this disease one day at a time. You never know what the heck will happen next and the more positive an attitude you keep, the better off you are. It has been only 2 months since I was officially diagnosed but I have learned alot. One of the things is not to get too upset over things you have no control over.